Why Join the Epping Forest Riders Association
EFRA is the only local representative organisation looking after riders’ interests in and around Epping Forest.
For our members:-
EFRA publishes a quarterly magazine, Riders Review.
Throughout the year we endeavour to hold one event per month:
- escorted picnic rides (members only) • quiz night • Shows • veterinary talks…. and more…
Run by riders for riders
EFRA‘s main aims are
To ensure the riding network is maintained, no unnecessary constraints are put on horse riders or their riding in Ep- ping Forest.
Encourage bridleway and permissive ride development in the area.
Keep members informed of matters relative to horse riding in Epping Forest Maintain close liaison with The Warren, Conservator and Verderers.
Promote positive image of riding as a leisure activity.
You can help keep the Forest and nearby bridleways available for horse riding in the years ahead by joining this go-ahead Association run by riders for riders.
Join now and let us help you to enjoy your horse that bit more. Click on the link below for a membership form
EFRA Membership Form 2015.pdf – NEW FORM TO COME
Membership Individual £12 Family £18 Trade £20